
"When the truth is found
to be lies,
and all the joy
within you dies,
don't you want somebody to love?"

Jefferson Airplane

I used to think I was a truth-seeker. Like a fisherman, I'd cast the truth-bait in the water, wait for an insight to tug on the line, then tear it out and eat it, assimilate it.

But really I have more in common with the fish than the fisherman. Sometimes I get it right, but most of the time I flounder, or get hooked by an illusion, only to be eviscerated and fried for the mistake.

This site, spacelove, is truth from a fish's-eye view, not a fisherman's. It's a collection of writing that takes the point of view that it's hard to separate fact from fiction and doesn't bother trying to make a fine distinction between them. That way, if and when the truth is found to be lies, all the joy in me doesn't have to die with it.

"An author never finishes a book. He abandons it."

All these stories and essays change over time. Parts get added and subtracted, reworked and revised. In that way they're more like memories than art.

Before "spacelove" this site was "alec's little blog." Someone told me that there's nothing little about it, and I'm not just some little man writing little stories on his little blog. That I deserve space. And love.

I hope we can all become spacelove.